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So i've decided to create this blog as a way of putting across all things positive.

Going into my third year of university has been a very daunting time for me, I knew it would be harder than anything i've experienced so far, but nothing can quite prepare you for it. The work load seems to be ever mounting up, and you constantly doubt yourself and your ability.

But it's important to stay positive.

It's much easier to say then do, and is definitely something i've struggled with myself, but it is key. Keeping a positive attitude towards yourself and your work is crucial. Even on days when all you want to do is have a breakdown, you just have to remind yourself of how far you've come, and what you are going to achieve. I personally put so much pressure on myself to do well, even though I come from an amazing family that have always wanted nothing more than for me to 'try my best'. I always do, but I am often my own worst enemy.

If you find yourself at a low point, thinking there's no way you can carry on and that you're not good enough. Just remember, firstly, you can do this! Nobody can do it for you, but you have full capability of achieving anything you put your mind to. Secondly, look how far you've come, and how close you are to getting where you need to be. And lastly, nobody should tell you that you're not good enough, you are. You've overcome every obstacle you've already had in your life and you've got to where you are now.

When i'm feeling like I can't do it anymore, I think about all the hard work I have put into it, and how it will all be worth it in the end when i'm collecting my degree and making all of my amazing friends and family proud. Things may get you down, but nobody can be you, being you and being unique is what makes you different, and we should embrace it.

Get rid of anyone or anything that brings negativity into your life, and surround yourself with positive  things. You don't need those fake friends or people that tell you you can't do something. Everyone is replaceable, and nobody needs people like that in their life. Something i've recently come to learn. Happiness is contagious, and nobody can make you happy with yourself except for you.

Positivity is key.
